
The Palaces Collection is in charge of the conservation, exhibition and dissemination of works of art and historical objects at Bandeirantes Palace, in São Paulo, and at Boa Vista Palace, in Campos do Jordão. With about 4,000 pieces, our collections feature works of art, works of decorative art and historical objects coming from several regions of Brazil and the world.

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Imagem Monumento do Ibirapuera

Map of Modernism in São Paulo

Get to know the art works and monuments of the modernist period that can be visited around the city of São Paulo and build your own tour itinerary.

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Visit the Palaces

With itineraries and activities developed by our educational team, the guided tours allow you to get to know the Palaces and learn more about art and history. Come and see!

Bandeirantes Palace
Avenida Morumbi, 4.500 (Portão 2)
Morumbi – São Paulo/SP

Boa Vista Palace
Avenida Adhemar de Barros, 3.001
Alto da Boa Vista – Campos do Jordão/SP

+55 (11) 2193-8282

Social networks:
/ @acervodospalacios

Logotipo do Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces